Gunslinger’s Lullaby Read online
Page 4
She wanted their hellish love to continue, building fire after fire inside her. She writhed as waves of sinful orgasms, one after the other, haunted her. She wanted to let go of her inhibitions as she lay in his arms, to experience the wild, savage heat that stayed just beyond her reach. As she called out their names, they fucked her, one and then the other while her nails raked over their backs and down their muscled arms. She bucked beneath them like a wild bronco. Her breasts tingled with their suckling mouths, the scraping of their teeth on her skin sending spears of electric thrills racing through her. Much to her surprise, their scouring tongues, and whispered suggestions triggered a tantalizing response that she had never experienced. She was being fucked by two of the handsomest, most dangerous men she’d ever known, the thrill of the ride finally sending her over the edge and into a red hot frenzy of uninhibited bliss.
This continued for days, nights, anytime the urge hit them. In the hay barn, down by the lake, even on Owl’s Ridge, the rise overlooking her vegetable garden. She felt as if she were caught in a world of illicit bliss, night turning into day, and day turning into night with these two notorious gunslingers satisfying her every need. They turned her simple household chores into a hot tide of passion that raged through her from morning ‘til night.
It was as if she were addicted to a special brand of dangerous sex until one day Flash caught her in the kitchen alone and came up behind her.
“Hi, sexy,” he said, putting his arms around her and whispering in her ear. “Got any cool water for a man dyin’ of thirst?”
The hour was early, and she could smell the odor of shaving soap. “Where’s your shirt, you savage?”
“I don’t need it for what I have in mind. She could feel his naked chest through her clothes and smell the clean outside air on him. As he leaned close to her, his warm breath tickled her face, and his lusty cock pressed against her backside. Suddenly she tossed aside her straight-laced reserve, and pressed her backside against him in response to his wild nature. What was happening to her? She could feel his hands inching around her waist. Just his closeness, the mere pressure of his body against hers made her nipples harden. Slowly his hand moved upward toward her breasts, cupping and squeezing them while his hot breath and tongue made a feast of her neck and ears. Her cunt became awash with sinful heat and moist juices that threatened to turn to an erotic flood and run down her thighs.
She thought she’d reached the pinnacle of desire when suddenly Midnight and Cheyenne appeared. When they touched her, the three of them freed within her a sudden bursting of sensations. Their lips, their hands, their hot, moist breath mingling with hers, turned her legs to jelly.
Before she knew what was happening she could feel their muscled bodies as they passed her from one to the other, their hot breath, hot kisses, and stiff cocks making a feast of her body. While one stroked her, the other massaged her breasts, and another reached down and squeezed her pussy until she thought she would die. When strong fingers delved deeply inside her, she knew she was lost. She wanted to resist before Reno came in and caught them, but also knew if they stopped, she would die.
“You want it, baby?” Flash whispered in her ear. “You ever had it with three? We’re about to show you what you’ve been missin’.”
Just then her gaze moved over to the small bed she used for company. It was a bed of rough, cracked wood. The mattress, filled with lumpy cotton, was almost flat as it fit snugly into the frame around it. On top, spread out in disarray were animal skins that made a thick pallet for whoever used it.
She stared at it as if it were heaven.
Suddenly she felt the last of her clothes being brazenly removed while the three of them carried her toward the bed.
“Spread them legs, sweetheart,” Flash whispered as he rose over her and settled himself between her thighs. And with hands that had killed hundreds of men, he dug his cock out, spread her cleft, and pushed himself inside.
The rush of his sudden invasion brought forth a scream. Her throbbing cunt lathered his cock with the carnal juices of her desire, and his fevered plunges began. “Oh, God, Flash, you’re so hard!”
When she felt his rough body so deliciously heavy on top of her, her passion mounted. She couldn’t resist possessively clinging to him and bucking wildly. With each push of her hips, Flash’s cock plunged deeper and deeper. A wicked fire began deep in her cunt, and she chased it, urging herself upward, and reaching for that elusive bliss that grew with each thrust. Her need blossomed, crawling ever upward, more and more, as his plunges became harder and faster. His long, hard cock created such a wanton heat inside her, she could feel her cunt squeezing it like a clawing hand. With throaty moans she pushed her hips against his over and over, feeling the heat flare bigger and bigger as his hungry cock continued to rub her clit while he thrust in and out.
Suddenly, Midnight lay beside her, his hands lingering on her breasts as he kissed her deeply. The two men took turns fucking her, one and then the other, each starting new fires and then quenching them. The old bed squeaked in pain when Cheyenne joined in, his muscled body and wild movements giving her a new and different thrill as she clung to him. It was flesh against flesh, lips open and sucking, moans bursting, and his breath coming hard and fast. When she finally shattered, her moan was loud and long.
She wilted beneath their touch when suddenly she heard the loud crack of a gunshot and saw something whiz over Flash’s head. They all looked to where it came from, and there stood Reno in the doorway, a smoking gun in his hand. “What the hell is going on in here?”
Flash got up and moved away with his arms raised. “I ain’t got no gun on, Reno. You’ll be shootin’ an unarmed man. If you want me, give me a chance to defend myself.”
Midnight spoke up. “If she’s you’re girl, Reno, you didn’t say so. We was just…”
“Shut up, both of you,” he said weakly as he looked over at Easy and saw her hiding herself behind an animal skin. “She ain’t my girl, but it’s plain to me that she’s distracting all of us. We’re too comfortable here. We can’t afford to get comfortable anywhere but at the hideout. I’ve decided that you three need to go on up there and wait for me.”
“What? Reno…”
“Shut up, Flash. You and me both know that none of us are safe here. It’s just a matter of time before they come out here lookin’. It’d be easy for one to hide, but not four. Besides, them damned ranch hands are due back soon. What’s to keep them from tellin’ everyone they see where we are?”
“I resent that.”
He looked over at Easy. “You can resent the hell out of it, but it’s true, and you know it.” He glared at her. “By the way, when did you become such a little tramp? Here I worried about these boys taking your innocence, and first thing I know you’re takin’ on the whole fuckin’ gang. Damn, I sure as hell had you figured wrong. I hope you got a good laugh out of it.” He seemed to be barely able to stand as he leaned on a stick and made his way back to the bedroom.
“Reno, I think we need to—”
“The decision’s been made. You boys be out of here by tomorrow noon. We’ve inconvenienced Easy long enough.”
Flash and Cheyenne just stood there looking at each other. Finally Midnight said, “Somethin’s eatin’ at him real bad.”
“Yeah, but he’s right. I don’t know why we didn’t think of it before.”
“I don’t think we wanted to,” Cheyenne said as he cut his gaze over to Easy. “Like he said, things is gettin’ a little too comfortable around here.”
After getting dressed, Easy followed Reno into the bedroom and slammed the door. “Now you listen to me. It’s been days since you came here. Why the hell are you still creepin’ around like you’re almost dead? By rights, you oughta be just about well enough to run a fuckin’ race by now. My God, it’s just a shoulder wound. If you’re throwin’ the boys off this place, then I think you ought to go with them. And don’t worry about my virtue. I lost that a long time before your boys c
ame into my life, so, give it up, okay? I’m up to here with you tryin’ to save me from myself. It’s too late, got that? I’ve been had!”
“You have, huh?” He slowly moved toward the bed and laid down on it, his eyes issuing a challenge as he looked at her. “Well, if I’m well enough to ride a horse, I must be well enough to…” His words faded into a suggestive half smile. When she didn’t move, he said, “I’m waiting, you little hothead.”
His hot gaze didn’t move away, or weaken, but remained strong as it captured hers and held it. The look he gave her made her toes curl. Had he spoken, or was it only his eyes that said, I dare you?
Chapter 4
Reno felt like a king-sized fool when Easy turned and walked away. He had asked her to come to his bed and she refused.
No woman refuses Reno Hudson!
With a crushed ego, he rose from the bed and threw his walking cane across the room in anger. He knew he didn’t need it, and she did too. Everyone here knew it, yet he kept creeping around on it like an invalid because he knew when he was well enough to ride they’d have to leave. He didn’t want to leave until he’d felt her breasts and her ass. He wanted it so bad he could taste it. Hell, if wanting to fuck her was a crime, then he’d just committed the biggest one of his career.
He rushed into the main part of the house looking for her, but she wasn’t there, so he banged out, and took a stroll down to the lake to think. He needed to get out of the house and away from Easy with her lilac smell, the smell of her kitchen, and the softness of her bed. He’d found something special here, and dammit, he couldn’t just walk away from it. During his life he’d had so many women he couldn’t count ‘em, but none had ever affected him the way she did.
Looking out over the lake, the way the water rippled, he imagined he could see fish almost leaping up out of the water.
“Damn,” he breathed, “and me without a fishing pole.”
He happened to look over by a tree and saw a long stick and grabbed it. He pulled his jack knife out of his pocket and began whittling on one end. After he made it as sharp as he could, he tore his clothes off and waded out into the water, sure he could spear a few fish for a decent fish fry. He’d never seen water so clear. He could even look down into the lake and see the fish swimming one way and then the other. After several attempts he finally threw the spear aside and grabbed at them.
Them critters are just askin’ to be caught, he thought as he threw himself in the lake and wrestled with a few, but he didn’t catch even one. He finally gave up and quit. Can’t do nothin’ without a damned fishin’ pole, he told himself, and trudged up on the bank. Just after he got dressed he heard someone walk up behind him, quickly drew his gun and whirled around ready to shoot.
When he saw her, he put his gun back in its holster. “My God, Easy. I almost shot you. What are you doin’ down here?”
“I followed you.”
“It’s just as well. I need to tell you something. You were right about me leaving with the others. After thinking it over I’ve decided me and the boys will ride out tomorrow.”
“Then we don’t have much time,” she said as she moved toward him. “I seem to remember a certain gunslinger inviting me into his bed. I think I’d like to take him up on it.”
“That fuckin’ son of a bitch didn’t know what he was saying. If I was you—”
“You know what I think? I think you’re jealous.”
“Jealous? Where in the hell did you get an idea like that?”
“You been actin’ kind of funny since me and the boys have gotten so friendly. It seems to bother you.”
“It don’t bother me. It’s just…well, it’s you. I kind of got the idea you was sort of, you know…”
She chuckled. “A virgin?”
“Yeah. I guess it is funny, ain’t it? Here I was worried about your virtue, and you’re havin’ a high old time with my gang.”
“So I’m right. It is jealousy.”
“It ain’t like that at all. I’m just, I don’t know, disappointed.”
“Look, Reno, it’s true, I was scared of all of you at first, but it was…I don’t know, kind of exciting I guess. The boys are big and helly lookin’, if you know what I mean, and it’s hard to stay away from them. They’re a far cry from them ‘fat-bellied farmers’ you mentioned.”
“Yeah, I remember sayin’ somethin’ like that.” He looked down at her clothes. “First time I’ve seen you in a dress.”
“I wore it for you.”
“Yeah. You said you liked to see a woman in dresses. More feminine and all that.”
“I used to, but I’ll have to admit that since we been here I’ve come to appreciate tight jeans and round hips with a six gun hanging down beside ‘em. Just the man in me comin’ out, I reckon.”
“Is that the man in you comin’ out now?” she said, feeling his cock harden as she leaned against him.
“It sure as hell is,” he whispered as his hands began to slowly move over her body. “What you got under that dress?”
“Nothin’ but me.”
“Not even a corset, or some of them bloomers women wear?”
“Now you know why I wear jeans all the time. I don’t like foolin’ with all that stuff. ‘Sides, I can’t do my chores in bloomers and corsets and such. Lace is for special…” Suddenly she began sniffing. “What’s that I smell?” She looked around, and then up at him. “It’s you!”
She backed away from him. “You smell like fish. Yuck!”
“I was tryin’ to get a few for supper tonight.”
“I hate fish! You just stay away from me.”
She turned to run, but Reno started chasing her. “Hey, it ain’t that bad.”
“I ain’t makin’ love with nobody that smells like fish. Either you get in the lake and get clean, or I’ll have to give you some of my lilac water to put on so you’ll be a little less disgustin’!”
Determined to have her, Reno kept chasing her until he finally grabbed her and fell on her among some rushes and held her down.
* * * *
With the thrill of the moment racing through her, Easy continued to struggle, but finally melted in his arms. The smell of fish suddenly didn’t matter. She could feel him lifting her dress and thought about all the nights she’d read his name in her sinful little magazines as she held it beneath the light of her oil lamp. And now he was here. She realized then that out of all the men she’d already had, the cock of this Ten Penny Hero was the one she wanted most.
Reno’s hands cradled her butt as he held her close, so close that Easy relaxed in his arms and wrapped her legs around him. The very moment her pussy met the sensitive head of his cock, their lips met, both moaning and moving as they lay hidden among the rushes. Their hot breath mingled while her hips moved seductively against him. She could feel his cock growing and hardening as it massaged her clit. She wanted him to go deeper, but she couldn’t stop. The feeling she got from his rock hard cock was just too good. Finally, he pushed himself all the way in, invading her cunt and going deeper and deeper. Each inch he conquered carried with it a new and delicious sensation. She moaned out his name. She couldn’t get enough. The more he had, the more she wanted. She delighted when he lifted her higher and plunged harder and faster. Her warm, soft cunt grasped him in its throbbing embrace, giving him an invitation to go even deeper, to find the ultimate place where both their appetites would be appeased. As if he were in another world Reno plunged over and over, his cock plunging in and out of her like a mad man, and Easy moaning out his name again and again.
He could feel her hands moving beneath his shirt, her nails scratching, her arms clutching him in a clinging embrace, her hot breath licking his face as she bit his lobes. She reached up and pulled at the buckskin that held his long hair back, allowing it to graze her skin as it fell forward. Slowly his mouth moved down her neck and suckled her nipples.
The heat of the day was no match fo
r the heat in their blood as a big swoosh of pleasure engulfed each one, sending them both over the edge and into a flood of wicked sensations.
* * * *
Just then Flash walked up and saw the two of them together. He watched for a moment before he crept up to Reno and whispered. “I’d like some of that.”
“Take over,” he said, “I’ve just come, but she’s still hot.”
As Reno moved away, Flash took his place, burying his cock deep into her tight cunt that was moist with her female juices. “Oh, God,” he groaned, delighted that the young, firm pussy had a long way to go before she was satisfied. His tongue tingled when he chewed on her nipples, sucking and drawing so hard he was afraid of leaving marks, but he couldn’t stop. His hands moved up and down her curving body, squeezing her ass, and pulling it up closer to him and his plunging cock. His hungry tongue darted into her ear, and then slid down her neck, loving the soft feel of her flesh against his.
* * * *
Easy floated in and out of their passionate embraces, one cock and then the other crowded into her. She’d become like a hungry wolf, reaching, clawing, chewing while wanting more and more of them. Knowing that each moment she was with them might be the last, she took what she wanted, and to hell with what people thought. Her body ached for them. Did they feel the same? Was what she felt nothing but lust, or was it something deeper? She’d hated it when they’d come to her ranch, but now she couldn’t stand the thought of them leaving.
“Just once more,” she begged as she felt them retreat. Almost immediately Cheyenne was bending over her while Midnight began to erotically lick the inside of her thighs. The furnace that had been built inside her still burned until her last two heroes were able to send her over the edge where she shattered over and over again.
* * * *
“Am I your woman?” she whispered as she and Reno lay beside the lake. “I want to be your woman.”
When Reno didn’t answer, she looked, and noticed that he was asleep, so she cuddled up beside him, and closed her eyes. She lay quietly for hours it seemed, listening to the restful lapping of the water along the bank. When daylight began to give way to twilight, and she heard the cicadas serenading in the bushes, she turned to Reno.